3D Training
Beginner Level
Interface Setup
Go through the menus shown below to reveal the necessary panels and menus shown below.
a. SketchUp->Preferences->Template->Architectural Design
b. View->Tool Palettes->Large Tool Set
c. Window->Entity Info, Layers, Styles, Scenes, Instructor
d. Window->Model Info->Units
(Make sure that Architectural is selected.)
Take a look at “Length Snapping” and “Precision”
To add other tools to the Top Menu Bar, right click on that top toolbar and choose "Customize Toolbar" You can then drag the "Standard View" and "Styles" strips to the top Menu Bar
SketchUp 3D Modeling App
(free non-commercial use)
Resource for Extensions / Plugins
Extension Warehouse (Plugins)
YOUTUBE.com There are a lot of great tutorial videos on youtube. Try searching Sketchup and the name of a tool you want to learn about. It's all there.
Project 1
Drawing the Chair will allow us to cover:
Origin Point, Line Tool with specified length, Inference, Coplanar Lines and Surfaces, Push/Pull extrusion with specified length, Scale, Offset, RightClick->Intersect With Selection, Paint, Styles, RightClick->Hide, View->Hidden Geometry.
Triple click to select All
Double click to Select Surface and outline
Single Click to select one entity
Shift Single Click to Add/Remove entities
Window Selection - Click drag Left to Right
Crossing Selection - Click drag Right to Left
Move / Copy
(Hold Ctrl (Microsoft Windows) or Option (Mac OS X) to change the Move tool to the Copy tool)
add "x5" to add 5 extra copies of the chair at the same spacing as that between the original and the initial copy.
add "/5" to add 5 extra copies between the first original and the copy
Controlling the View
• Orbit (O)
• Pan (H)
• Zoom (Z)
• Zoom Extents (Shift Z)
• Zoom Window
• Zoom Previous
Project 2
Drawing the Wind Turbine involves:
Circle, Arc, Follow Me Tool.
Rotate / Copy
(Hold Ctrl (Microsoft Windows) Option (Mac OS X) to change the Rotate tool to the Rotate And Copy tool)
add "x2" to add 2 extra copies of the blade at the same rotational spacing as that between the original and the initial copy.
add "/2" to add 2 extra copies between the first original and the copy
Make all of the drawing entities that constitute one part a "Group".
These are multiple copies of the same item. If you modify one item, you modify them all simultaneously.
Drawing Symmetrical objects using a component and a duplicate of that component that has been scaled at -1.00
Layers are useful for temporarily hiding parts of your drawing.